Unified Ground Mapping Tool
The Unified Ground Mapping tool overlays key data sets to enable and empower community-based organizations and small businesses to be part of the green economy.  The datasets include:
  • Justice40 Environmental Justice Data for each census tract
  • Unified Ground curated datasets
    • Community-based organizations
    • Minority-owned businesses 
    • Funding opportunities
The goal is not to just highlight the historic under-investment in priority communities, but also the front-line organizations and community businesses that are ready for the opportunity to be involved in a just energy transition.
We can customize our mapping tool for any location in the United States. Contact us at jamil@unifiedground.com or 646.363.6712 for demo and more information.

What We do

The Challenge: Engaging Communities and Diversifying Supply Chains in Clean Energy Projects

  • High Barriers for Community Stakeholders to Participate in Green Projects
    • Complex processes and Lack of transparency about funding opportunities and decisions
    • Mis-alignment between project requirements and CBOs capacities and goals (SPARCC Report)
  • Community Engagement Inefficiencies
    • Traditional outreach methods fail to reach front line community organizations
    • Supply chain diversification and community engagement teams work separately – missing opportunities to improve outcomes for both groups
  • Immense complexity to braid together federal, state, city, philanthropic and private green investments to holistically meet community needs and meet climate and sustainability
  • New compliance and funding requirements
    • Government funding in many places require community engagement, DEI, and supplier diversification plans
    • Department of Energy funding opportunities require a community benefits plan which makes up 20 % of the evaluation of all proposals

Unified Ground: Your Solution to Community Engagement and Supply Chain Diversification

  • Lower Barriers for New Vendors to Participate in Green Projects
    • We’ve built data-driven experiences like the Unified Ground Mapping tool to highlight the front-line community organizations and businesses ready to participate in the energy transition.
  • Efficiency and Effective Community Engagement
    • We employ data-driven community engagement processes to connect with harder-to-reach community organizations.
  • Increase Organizational Capacity of community organizations to help braid together funding
    • We utilize generative AI to increase capacity of CBOs and businesses to respond to funding and supply chain opportunities
  • Efficiently Address New Compliance and Funding Requirements
    • We take a community first approach which helps our clients effectively collaborate with the front line stakeholders to develop effective community engagement plans